ZINCALLOY NI 3700 is an advanced alkaline zinc-nickel process that is engineered to consistently deliver high throughput plating in bulk operation on complex parts commonly used in automotive and other high value applica-tions. The process features a high current efficiency that is maintained over the entire bath life, with an enhanced current load capacity to deliver significantly faster plating speeds than conventional zinc-nickel processes.
ZINCALLOY NI 3700 process deposits 12–15%-wt. of nickel (γ-phase ZnNi) and meets the most demanding automotive industry corrosion protection requirements. The process exhibits exceptional throwing power while imparting smooth and uniform deposits with very homogenous alloy composition in both HCD and LCD areas. .
- High cathodic current efficiency
- High current load capacity, burning resistance
- Very homogenous metal distribution, even nickel incorporation
- High conductivity – reduced bath voltage
- No more deposits on anodes, tanks or plumbing
- No freezing, crystallizing of salts needed